About Me

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Hi, I'm Maree Clarkson! I’m passionate about sketching and painting, chickens, animals, birds, nature, Moleskine note books, the beach, crystals, succulents, useless information, technology, blogging, my MAC, my Land Rover, positivity, gardening and discovering anything new in life! Living in Africa is something very special and I am constantly delighted, amused and amazed by the things I see, do and experience. Join me in some of these experiences. I am a Watercolour artist and Watercolours are my preferred medium. For me, the unpredictability and uncontrollable nature of watercolour makes it the most exciting and expressive medium of all. Having a certain picture in your mind and then seeing something slightly different, yet wonderful, come to life, is a thrilling experience! With watercolours, no two artists can produce the same result, the paint will just not allow you! Click on 'View my complete profile' to see a list of all my blogs.

Monday, 15 February 2016

Bulbine frutescens (Balsemkopiva)

W&N watercolour on Bockingford 300gsm
Bulbine in a container on my patio (Tarlton, Gauteng, South Africa)

Commonly called Bulbinella, which is incorrect as Bulbinella is a completely different species, bulbine is effective in preventing skin infection, healing and soothing cuts, rashes, insect bites, burns, cold sores, pimples and other skin problems. Its clear and soothing gel forms an invisible ‘seal’ over the wound, protecting against bacteria and providing ongoing relief and healing throughout the day.

It is a very attractive succulent indigenous to South Africa which needs little attention, and thrives in most soil types and in most weather conditions. The juice from the leaves is used in creams, and can also be applied to eczema, burns, rashes, fever blisters and stings etc. I often use it on cuts and scrapes I might pick up while working in the garden.

This native of South Africa occurs naturally in the Orange Free State, KwaZulu-Natal and parts of all the Cape Provinces.

Afrikaans: balsemkopieva, copaiba, geelkatstert, katstert
